Neurotargeting Systems works closely with customers to ensure accurate and reliable outcome of research studies. Staffed by a team of experienced researchers, our team invests time and energy to provide viable research solutions and optimize every experiment.


To provide user-friendly tools for enabling an interface with small laboratory animals that will both benefit the welfare of research animals and allow neuroscientists completing research projects and drug discovery studies faster and with a lower cost.


Neurotargeting Systems was founded in 2012 by its Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Ludmila Gerashchenko. The company's corporate objectives are to identify, improve, and bring modern useful neuroscience technologies into the commercial marketplace.

The company is self-funded with support from the SBIR grants. The company's efforts have been supported by the following SBIR Phase I NIH grants: “AAV-based toolkit for targeting specific cell types” (R43NS077514) and “System for providing an interface for interacting with an animal” (R43OD023231).